CAC/MDT Response to PSB

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Best Practices for PSB Programs Document Overview

NCA has convened expert practitioners in addressing youth and children with problematic sexual behaviors in the CAC setting to develop an overview of sample best practice documents. This comprehensive document includes:

  • Guidelines to create an agreement to expand or improve CAC services to these youth and children;
  • Sample consent and confidentiality agreements;
  • Home safety plans for children at different age levels, and for families;
  • Sample agreements between CACs and treatment providers;
  • Additional guidelines and considerations to discuss and employ with your team as you expand and improve services to address youth and children with problematic sexual behaviors.

Download or view the best practices document below.

Best Practice Documents for PSB Programs

  • Childhood Sexual Behaviors
    Childhood Sexual Behaviors: Normative, Cautionary, or Problematic
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  • YSBP Best Practices
    NCA has convened expert practitioners in addressing youth and children with problematic sexual behaviors in the CAC setting to develop an overview of sample best practice documents.