Equipment and Technology Support Award Toolkit - RFP Resources

This toolkit represents the collected resources applicants can use when preparing their response to the RFP.

NOTE:  Equipment grants do not require the proposal abstract, logic model or performance measures.

Equipment and Technology Support

Maximum Award Amount: $50,000; Minimum Award Amount: $5,000 (Rolling grant period ending no later than December 31.)

Goal: To support the work of the CACs by purchasing or upgrading the necessary equipment including hardware, software, and related services (installation, etc.): *

  • Medical – Colposcopes, medscopes, digital/video colposcopy, exam tables
  • Forensic interviewing – Equipment, computers used for record-keeping, slide review and video observation, first-time installation/upgrade of HIPAA-compliant digital recording storage.
  • Victim advocacy– Laptops, tablets
  • Mental health – PCIT room, telehealth 
  • Operations– First-time installation/upgrade of human resources or accounting software

Please note: Renovations, remodeling, furniture, and soft furnishings/artwork and supplies are not allowable. Please do not include annual subscription fees for ongoing software expenses.

*For each of the bulleted items, please make sure to request that the vendor consolidate the purchase in one invoice with all line items clearly listed. An additional purchase of cables, lenses, etc. that is not part of the invoice for the main equipment piece will not be considered allowable. However, if those accessories are bundled onto the initial invoice, then they would be considered allowable.


Guide to Procurement

All purchases must, at a minimum, must comply with the DOJ Guide to Procurements


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