Resources for Military Families and Caregivers

This page includes resources for military families, parents, and caregivers. 

Military OneSource

Military OneSource is a DoD-funded program that provides comprehensive information on all aspects of military life at no cost to Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve Component members, Veterans, and their families. The site contains policy and programmatic information, helpful resources, products, articles, and tips on numerous topics related to the military experience, including helping couples and relationship issues.

NCTSN Military Parent and Caregiver Trainings

Below are trainings that NCTSN provides for military parents and caregivers:

Understanding Child Trauma and Resilience: For Military Parents and Caregivers | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network ( - Offers military parents and caregivers information about child trauma and resilience. This fact sheet includes information about what traumatic experiences are, how they impact military families, and common reactions children or teens may have. It also includes a checklist for parents and caregivers to use to help keep track of behaviors their child or teen may be exhibiting as well as questions to ask providers about treatment services. The fact sheet also includes questions military parents or caregivers may have about supporting their child after a traumatic event and tips for starting discussions with children of different ages. 

Understanding Child Suicide: For Military Parents | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network ( - Offers military parents information about military youth suicide. This fact sheet includes information about suicide and military youth, how to talk to your child about suicide, warning signs that your child may be experiencing suicidal thoughts and helpful responses by age group, as well as evidence-based treatments for suicidal youth, and how to address your needs as a parent.

Understanding Youth Substance Use: For Military Parents and Caregivers | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network ( - Offers military parents and caregivers information about military youth substance use. This fact sheet includes information about substance use and military youth, how to talk to your child about substance use, monitoring your child and understanding trauma and substance use, as well as resources on how to address your needs as a parent and caregiver.

Special Victims' Counsel

Military Special Victims' Counsel (SVC) are lawyers who provide legal representation to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence in the military. SVCs are specially trained and certified to protect the rights of victims and represent them throughout the military justice process. Learn more about this service by military branch at the links below.

U.S. Army Special Victims' Counsel

National Guard Special Victims' Counsel Program

Marine Corps Victims' Legal Counsel Organization

8 Things That Victims of Crime Need to Know about Victims' Legal Counsel (Navy Victims' Legal Counsel)

Navy Victims' Legal Counsel Program (VLCP)

U.S. Air Force Victims' Counsel Program

U.S. Coast Guard Special Victims' Counsel Program

Military Legal Assistance Office

Service members and their families can take advantage of a host of free legal assistance services on bases. See the links below to find a base Legal Office, and learn about military protective orders.

DoD Victim and Witness Assistance Resources

Each Military Department has also established an interdisciplinary Victim and Witness Assistance Council. Each Military Department has also designated a central repository for tracking notice of the status of offenders confined in military correctional facilities. Learn more below:

    CHAMPVA Benefits

    CHAMPVA Eligibility and Benefits - Spouses, dependents, or survivors of a Veteran who meets certain service-connected disability requirements, may qualify for health care benefits through the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA).

    Veteran Resources

    National Guard Resources

    National Guard families have unique needs and the National Guard Family Program provides support. Learn more: