Resources for Working Effectively with Military Families
Getting Started with Military Partnerships
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Where is the closest Military Base to your location?
This map displays military installations and CACs participating in NCA's military MOUs
School Liaison Program
The School Liaison Program offers an array of services and resources to support children, parents, installation leadership, schools and the surrounding community.
School liaisons assist with transition support, including school selection, transfer or credits and youth sponsorship referrals, and also can help military-connected families at any time with all education-related matters pre-K through 12th grade.
Military Relief Organizations and Emergency Financial Help
The Army Emergency Relief, the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, and the Air Force Aid Society are resources available to help military families in financial emergencies.
Find a Military Hospital or Clinic - TRICARE
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Resources
Below are mental health and substance abuse resources.
Mental Health Resources:
- Find a Mental Health Professional in the US
- Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
- Overview of Tricare Health Care Program
- Find a Military Hospital or Clinic
Substance Abuse Resources:
- Substance abuse - Understand and identify a substance use problem and start living a better life. Learn the signs and where to get help.
- Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention
- Navy and Marine Corps Health Protection Command Alcohol & Drug Abuse Resources
- Air Force ADAPT Program
Veterans Resources
The Veterans Crisis Line offers 24/7 confidential crisis support for Veterans and their loved ones.
Document Translation Services Available to Military Families
Military families may be eligible for free document translation services through MilitaryOne Source.
Family Advocacy Program
Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is a key partner to CACs serving military families. Most FAP offices provide classes including:
- New Parent Support
- Parenting
- Domestic Violence
- Anger Management
- Victims Group
- Individual Counseling
- Family Counseling
- Stress Management
- Healthy Relationships
- Infant and Child Safety
To learn more about FAP, explore these MilitaryOne Source resources:
- Learn about the Family Advocacy Program
- Family Advocacy Program Resources for Military Families
- Find Military Base Family Advocacy Programs
- Family Advocacy Program Defense Department Policies
Office of the Special Trial Counsel
The Office of Special Trial Counsel (OSTC) is comprised of specially trained military lawyers, legal professionals and support staff responsible for the expert and independent prosecution of murder, sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, kidnapping and other serious criminal offenses. Explore the resources below to learn more about the role of OSTC.
Introduction to the Military Legal System - This NCA webinar will provide an introductory orientation to the military legal system. Participants will learn about the Uniformed Code of Military Justice and the differences between civilian and military legal systems as well as the role of the newly established Office of Special Trial Counsel. Participants will also gain an understanding of the unique challenges of prosecuting cases involving active-duty military members and military families.
U.S. Army Office of Special Trial Counsel website
U.S. Marine Corps Office of Special Trial Counsel website
Special Victims' Counsel
Military Special Victims' Counsel (SVC) are lawyers who provide legal representation to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence in the military. SVCs are specially trained and certified to protect the rights of victims and represent them throughout the military justice process. Learn more about this service by military branch at the links below.
U.S. Army Special Victims' Counsel
U.S. Marine Corps Victims' Legal Counsel Organization
U.S. Navy Victims' Legal Counsel Program
U.S. Air Force and Space Force Victims' Counsel Program
Legal Services for Crime Victims (Navy Victims' Legal Counsel)
Department of Defense (DOD) Victim and Witness Assistance
Military Protection Orders (MPO) and Transitional Compensation: Support for Victims of Abuse
Military families may be eligible for military specific services such as military protection orders and transitional compensation. Explore the resources below to learn more.
Military Members & Families Project Tip Sheet: Military Protective Orders & No Contact Orders
Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate (DAVA) Locator
NCTSN Resources for Working with Military Families
Child Maltreatment in Military Families: A Fact Sheet for Providers | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (nctsn.org) - Details child maltreatment in military families. This fact sheet provides a look at child maltreatment in the military and offers providers the key concepts, findings, and interventions that will support them in their approach to the care of today's military family.
Working Effectively with Military Families: 10 Key Concepts All Providers Should Know - Outlines the top ten things to keep in mind when working with military families. This tip sheet includes information on family separation, stigma about mental health care, access to programs, involving peers and civilian providers and more.
Best Practices in Military-Informed Care: Innovative Models of Care - Shares examples of how organizations can incorporate military-informed procedures and practices, beginning with asking about service member status and affiliations. This webinar presents service members' viewpoints about their family needs and perspectives as gathered through focus groups with service members and their families and discusses ways to increase engagement and participation in services through effective community outreach and partnerships with military and civilian systems serving military and veteran families.
An Overview of the Military Family Experience and Culture - Provides information on the US military structure and culture, to increase understanding of the ways a community-based provider can begin to work with veterans and their families. This webinar discusses the typical stressors that a military service member experiences throughout cycles of deployment, in combat, and the potential risk factors for physical or psychological injuries that potentially can impact family functioning. It also describes best practice interventions that support psychological health with military and veteran families.
Program Spotlight Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters -The spotlight provides a focus on Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters Advocacy Center. This program spotlight offers an overview of CHKD's work with military families, The NCTSN and Military and Veteran Families Program, The NCTSN/ DoD Academy on Child Trauma, The Children’s Advocacy Center Model and National Children’s Alliance, NCA’s CAC-Military Partnership Project, as well as recommended resources from the NCTSN and NCA.
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