Approved Curricula List: Qualified Trainings for NCA’s Standards for Accredited CAC Members

This page is your home for information on qualified trainings to meet the the Forensic Interview, Mental Health, and Victim Advocacy Standards for Accredited CAC Members. All qualified trainings will be listed here and updated periodically, so there’s no need to keep or share static documents outlining which trainings meet the requirements set forth in the Standards. With questions about resources either on this resource page or not found here, please email

Forensic Interview Curricula

The trainings below are approved for professionals to meet the foundational training requirement for the Forensic Interview Standard for Accredited CACs. 

Nationally recognized curricula

  • 10 Step Forensic Interview Training
  • APSAC - 40 Hour Training
  • Child First 
  • Child Forensic Interview Protocol for the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) – Serving US Air Force and US Space Force
  • Childhood Trust
  • CornerHouse
  • FBI 2015
  • Finding Words
  • First Witness
  • National Children's Advocacy Center
  • StepWise 360 (formerly StepWise)

Approved state curricula

  • Alaska - AISAIS Training
  • Arizona State Training
  • California CFIT Training
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Hawaii – Updated 2019
  • Kentucky 
  • Maryland - FIT (Forensic Interview Tool Box) -  Baltimore CAC
  • Michigan
  • Montana
  • New York - FIBP Training
  • North Carolina - RADAR
  • Ohio Part 1 and Part 2 Beyond the Silence (note:  both parts must be completed to have 32 hours)
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania - Child First
  • Texas
  • Utah-SLC NICHD
  • Utah CJC Program Child Interview Curriculum
  • Washington State
  • Wisconsin


Mental Health Curricula

The trainings below are approved for professionals to meet the foundational training requirement for the Mental Health Standard for Accredited CACs. 

Approved trauma-informed, evidence-based modalities

  • Trauma-Focused, Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (TF-CBT)
  • Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI)
  • Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
  • Alternatives for Families-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)


Victim Advocacy Curricula

The trainings below are approved for professionals to meet the foundational training requirement for the Victim Advocacy Standard for Accredited CACs.

Approved victim advocacy trainings for accreditation - meets 2023 Standards:

  • Advocacy In Action: A Practical Experience for Family Advocates - Project Harmony (must have been completed since January 2023)
  • Child Abuse Advocacy: The Foundations (Strand Squared Solutions)
  • CACs of Arkansas - Advocacy 101
  • CACs of Mississippi - Family Advocacy Training (Modules 1-3)
  • Colorado Children's Alliance- Victim Advocacy 101 (effective August 2024)
  • Common Thread - BCFS HHS Pre-Service Training (Louisiana-specific)
  • First Witness (must have been completed since November 2022)
  • Louisiana Chapter of CACs - Online Victim Advocacy Training
  • Regional CAC's Foundations of CAC Family Advocacy (formerly "The Advocate Role in the Multidisciplinary Team Response to Child Abuse")
  • Regional CAC's The Advocate Role in the Multidisciplinary Team Response to Child Abuse (must have completed since December 2022 - note this training was renamed "Foundations of CAC Family Advocacy" as of June 2024)
  • South Carolina Network of CACs - Initial Victim Service Provider Training
  • The UP Institute - Victim Advocacy
  • Utah Children's Justice Center Program - Online Victim Advocacy Grid 
    • Modified grids also approved for Florida, Oregon
  • Washington State - WCSAP SA Core with CACWA Add On (38 hours)

The following curricula were previously approved to meet the 2017 Standards. Unless noted differently, any advocate who has completed these trainings will need to provide documentation of additional training in the following topic areas: 1. Understanding, explaining, and affording of victim’s legal rights; 2. Cultural responsiveness and addressing implicit bias in service delivery; 3. Caregiver resilience; and 4. Domestic violence/family violence/children’s exposure to domestic violence and poly-victimization.

  • NOVA Basic 40 hour Victim Assistance Academy 
  • Maine Basic Victim Witness Academy
  • Mississippi Family Advocacy Training
  • Kansas Academy for Victim Assistance
  • Utah Chapter Victim Advocate Training (2017 version)
  • Colorado Victim Advocates Training (prior to August 2024)
  • 45 Hour Crime Victim Advocate Course - Florida Myra Strand Training
  • Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute – Office of the AG, Victim Services Professional Development 
  • NRCAC Victim Advocate Training ***This meets all 9 training topics but is only 16 hours; advocates will need to demonstrate 8 additional training hours to meet the required 24 hours for the foundational training requirement*** (note:  covers domestic violence)
  • WRCAC Victim Advocacy Training - "The Advocate’s Role in the Multi-disciplinary Response to Child Abuse" (note:  covers domestic violence)
  • Project Harmony Victim Advocacy Training - "Advocacy in Action - A Practical Experience for Family Advocates"
  • National Children's Advocacy Center Victim Advocacy Training 
  • South Carolina - SCNCAC Initial Victim Service Provider Training (note:  coves 2023 topic areas, no additional trainings needed)
  • First Witness Advocacy Training

Advocacy List last updated 8/6/2024.


Prevention Curricula

The following prevention programs have been pre-approved to meet Essential Component B of the Optional Child Abuse Prevention Standard.  CACs using alternate prevention curricula may reach out to NCA to request information on the pre-approval process by emailing

  • Building Foundations for Healthy Relationships (Oregon)
  • The CARE Center: ROAR!
  • Childhelp: Speak Up Be Safe
  • Empower Me!
  • Monique Burr Foundation: Child Safety Matters & Teen Safety Matters
  • My Future, My Choice (Oregon)
  • Prevent Child Abuse Vermont:  Healthy Relationships Project
  • Safe and Strong Child©: Body Safety Curriculum