Addressing the Emotional Needs of Children and Families Impacted by COVID-19 and other Disasters Using Skills for Psychological Recovery
Recorded On: 10/16/2020
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This workshop will provide an overview of Skills for Psychological Recovery - a skills-based modular intervention that aims to help children, adults, and families gain skills to manage distress and cope with post-disaster stress and adversities. Individuals affected by a disaster or traumatic incident, whether survivors, witnesses, or responders to such events, may struggle with or face new challenges following the event. Learn how SPR can help your clients gain skills to reduce ongoing distress and effectively cope in the weeks and months following disaster and trauma.

Melissa Brymer, Ph.D, Psy.D.
Director of Terrorism and Disaster Programs of the UCLA/Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress and its National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Melissa Brymer, Ph.D, Psy.D. is Director of Terrorism and Disaster Programs of the UCLA/Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress and its National Child Traumatic Stress Network. In this capacity, Dr. Brymer been involved with the development of acute interventions, assessment, and educational materials in the area of terrorism, disasters, and school crises. She is one of the primary authors of NCTSN/NCPTSD Psychological First Aid and Skills for Psychological Recovery and have served as a consultant for many Federal, state, and local agencies across the country and internationally after disasters, terrorism, school shootings, and other mass emergencies.

Jerry Dunn, Ph.D.
Executive Director of Children's Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis (CASGSL)
Jerry Dunn, Ph.D.serves as the Executive Director of Children's Advocacy Services of Greater St.Louis (CASGSL) where she oversees the forensic, clinical, research, andtraining operations of the center's three locations. CASGSL has theunique distinction of being embedded in the University ofMissouri-St. Louis where Dr. Dunn holds the academic rank of ClinicalProfessor and leads the Center's National Child Traumatic Stress Network'sTreatment and Services Adaptation Center. The training division ofthe Center, The Missouri Academy of Child Trauma Studies (MoACTS), beganimplementing Skills for Psychological Recovery in the aftermath of the civilunrest sparked by the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.