Children’s Advocacy Center-Military Case Review
Recorded On: 09/24/2021
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This webinar is the last in the Children's Advocacy Center (CAC)-Military Partnership Webinar Series. The series has provided foundational information and practical guidance on how CACs and MDTs can enhance collaboration with military partners to better serve children in military families. In this webinar, participants will learn about NCA's case review standard, the importance of coordinated CAC-military case review, and strategies for effective, military-inclusive CAC case review. The live event will include opportunity for Q and A.

Heather Provencher, LCSW
Senior Manager for Federal Partnerships
National Children’s Alliance
Heather Provencher, LCSW, is Senior Manager for Federal Partnerships at National Children’s Alliance (NCA). Prior to joining NCA, she worked in foster care and child protective services and held investigative, forensic interviewing, advocacy, and prevention education roles at Children's Advocacy Centers in Maryland and California.

Alyson McKenzie
Director of Accreditation
National Children's Alliance
Alyson MacKenzie is the Director of Accreditation at National Children’s Alliance, and manages the accreditation process for Child Advocacy Centers throughout the country. Previously Alyson was the Senior Program Associate of Accreditation at NCA as well as Program Associate at NCA, managing grants and membership for the Southern Region of the United States. She has a Master’s Degree in Social Work and a Certificate in Human Service Management from Boston University. Ms. MacKenzie has years of experience providing training and technical assistance to Children’s Advocacy Centers across the country.

Roberta J. Humphris
Executive Director
Child Advocacy Center
Roberta has been the Executive Director of the Child Advocacy Center in Cumberland County, NC since November 2009. She graduated from Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA with a BS in Medical Technology and then received a MA in Health Services Management from Webster University. She has a Certificate in Non Profit Management from Duke University. She has been involved in the non profit arena for many years having served as the Executive Director of Better Health of Cumberland County, the Director of Resource Development for United Way of Cumberland County, founding a nonprofit foundation and serving on various nonprofit boards as both a member and officer. She teaches fundraising and grant writing workshops for the United Way Multicultural Leadership Development Program. Roberta is a Stewards of Children Authorized Facilitator, and has completed the National Children’s Advocacy Center Forensic Interviewing Course and the NCPTC ChildFirst North Carolina Interviewing Children and Preparing for Court Course.

Melissa Cook, DCFI
Forensic Interviewer
Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters Child Advocacy Center
Melissa Cook is a Forensic Interviewer at the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters Child Advocacy Center. Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology as well as a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Melissa is also certified as a Diplomat Child Forensic Interviewer through the National Association of Certified Child Forensic Interviewers. Melissa has attended the National Children’s Advocacy Center’s Forensic Interviewing of Children Training in Huntsville Alabama, along with Finding Words – Georgia in 2006, and a ChildFirst Protocol Update in 2016. Melissa has also attended the National Children’s Advocacy Center’s Extended Forensic Interviewing training in 2016 as well as annually attending the Virginia Crimes Against Children conference. Melissa regularly trains multidisciplinary members on the CAC model and CHKD’s Child Advocacy Center’s services, and has presented on roadblocks in the forensic interview process at the 11th Annual Crimes Against Children Conference in 2019. Melissa has over 13 years of experience in the child maltreatment and mental health field. Melissa was also certified as a Georgia Peace Officer in 2009 in her role as a Certified Advanced Emergency Medical Dispatcher and 9-1-1 Communications Officer. Melissa frequently testifies in JDR and Circuit Courts in the Hampton Roads area and has been qualified as an expert in forensic interviewing in the City of Chesapeake. To date, Melissa has completed approximately 500 taped child forensic interviews during her time at CHKD’s Child Advocacy Center.