Engaging Families with Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Mental Health Services - Webinar
Recorded On: 10/23/2019
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Successful completion of mental health treatment is closely associated with caregiver participation in treatment (McPherson, et al., 2012). However, less than 50% of families who are scheduled to participate in therapy services attend their first appointment (Harrison, et al., 2004). This webinar will focus on common barriers families face. The research of McKay, et al. related to caregiver engagement will be discussed and applied to the CAC setting, with a focus on families with youth with problematic sexual behaviors.
Amanda Mitten, MA, LPC
Approved National Trainer: PSB-CBT and CE-CERT models, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Dionna Weixel, M.S.
LMFT Candidate, Child Development Specialist, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Carrie Jenkins, LPC (Moderator)
Co-Chair of the Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Collaborative Workgroup, Sub-Specialty Leader, Sexual Behavior Problem Program at Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center, Charleston, SC
Jane F. Silovsky, PhD (Moderator)
Center on Child Abuse and Neglect and Director of Research, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Jane F. Silovsky, PhD, is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC). She serves as the Associate Director of the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (CCAN). Since 1996, she has been the Director of the Children with Sexual Behavior Problems program, an assessment, treatment, and research program for preschool and school age children with problematic sexual behavior. She is a licensed psychologist and actively provides treatment and supervision weekly for treatment groups serving these youth with PSB; these youth and their families are diverse and have a variety of needs such as reunification, trauma exposure, and other behavior problems. Dr. Silovsky is one of the primary developers of the Honoring Children, Respectful Ways: Treatment for Native American Children with Sexual Behavior Problems training and treatment manuals, which is a cultural adaptation of the treatment for children with sexual behavior problems (SBP) through the Indian Country Child Trauma Center (ICCTC; previously funded through SAMHSA). Dr. Silovsky has worked with several organizations to publish materials for dissemination to assist families and professionals who work with youth that have SBP. She authored fact sheets on sexual development and research related to children with SBP for the National Center on Sexual Behavior of Youth (NCSBY), National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) and ICCTC. She also authored a publication for SaferSociety Press designed to help parents and caregivers of children with SBP: Taking Action: Support for Families of Children with Sexual Behavior Problems. Since 2010, Dr. Silovsky has been directing the T/TA activities for three OJJDP awards for fourteen sites who have been implementing collaborative community- and evidence-based interventions for families of youth with PSB and child victims.
Geoff Sidoli, MSW, LCSW (Moderator)
Coordinator for Mental Health Programs
National Children’s Alliance
Geoff Sidoli, LCSW, is the current Coordinator for NCA’s Institute for Better Mental Health Outcomes. He assists CACs around the country developing, implementing, and sustaining mental health services. Prior to coming to NCA, Geoff was the executive director of a CAC in Asheville, NC where he supervised a clinical department that assessed and treated trauma and problematic sexual behavior (PSB) utilizing multiple evidence-based/supported models, including a PSB model that he developed. Geoff has a broad history of work with trauma and sexual violence for over 30 years including the assessment and treatment of individuals that have caused sexual harm. He speaks regionally and nationally on the topic of sexual abuse, assessment and treatment. He served on several state/national boards and work groups that focus on intervention and prevention of sexual harm and trauma. Geoff co-chairs NCA’s youth with problematic sexual behaviors work group and sits on ATSA’s child and adolescent committee as well as the ethic’s committee.