Getting to Know the Standards – Mental Health Standard
Recorded On: 09/24/2020
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Get to know NCA’s Mental Health standard for Accreditation. The overall intent and importance of the standard will be reviewed, followed by an explanation of each Essential Component related to the standard. After reviewing each Essential Component, practical approaches to meet the standard will be discussed. There will also be time for question and answer.

Alyson MacKenzie
Accreditation Program Coordinator, National Children's Alliance
National Children's Alliance
Alyson MacKenzie is the Accreditation Coordinator at National Children’s Alliance, and manages the accreditation process for Child Advocacy Centers throughout the country. Previously Alyson was the Senior Program Associate of Accreditation at NCA as well as Program Associate at NCA, managing grants and membership for the Southern Region of the United States. She has a Master’s Degree in Social Work and a Certificate in Human Service Management from Boston University. Ms. MacKenzie has years of experience providing training and technical assistance to Children’s Advocacy Centers across the country.

Alyssa Todd
Accreditation Coordinator
National Children's Alliance
Alyssa Todd worked as an Investigative Social Worker for Vermont CPS for almost five years, then moved to Philadelphia for grad school, where she continued to work with youth in foster care. She moved back to Vermont and became the Director and Forensic Interviewer of a small Associate Member center in Brattleboro, VT in 2012. In 2016 the Center became fully Accredited with NCA under Alyssa's leadership. Alyssa joined NCA in September 2019 as a member of the accreditation team, and assisted with the most recent revision of the Standards for Accredited Centers. Alyssa provides training and technical assistance to CACs as they navigate the accreditation process. She is particularly interested in forensic interviewing and vicarious trauma.

Michelle Miller
Director, NCA Institute for Better Mental Health Outcomes
National Children's Alliance
Michelle Miller, PhD, LCSW, LCPC, is the Director of NCA’s Institute for Better Mental Health Outcomes. In addition to her 8 years at NCA, she nearly 3 decades of experience working in the child welfare field and over 20 years’ experience as a mental health provider. Dr. Miller spent 15 years as the founding director of NCA’s first accredited CAC in Montana and was the founding board chair for the Montana State Chapter of NCA. Michelle has over 20 years’ experience providing training and supervision to mental health practitioners. Since joining the NCA team in 2016, Michelle has worked with the Yale Child Study Center on the implementation of Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention in CACs. Michelle also works with Baylor University on training clinicians in evidenced-based assessment. Michelle worked with the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center as a co-developer of a curriculum for victim advocates on engaging families in mental health care and provides national trainings on the topic. Michelle is the co-developer of a training curriculum for CAC executive directors on mental health. Michelle is the co-author of a chapter on Evidence-Based Mental Health Services for Child Victims of Maltreatment in the book Child Sexual Abuse: Practical Approaches to Prevention and Intervention that will be published by the Child Welfare League of America in April 2023.