March: Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Via Telehealth: Advanced Topics and Techniques

  • Registration Closed

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Via Telehealth: Advanced Topics and Techniques with Regan Stewart, PhD, Paula Condol, LPCC, and Nicola Herting, PhD 

Live Virtual Training on March 1 and 2, 1:00-4:00PM ET. There will be a 30-minute break for lunch.

This 5-hour training will provide mental health professionals with an understanding of telehealth delivery of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). Topics covered will include: (1) specific tailoring of TF-CBT components for a telehealth delivery format, (2), demonstration of how to utilize electronic resources to deliver TFCBT components via telehealth and (3) procedures and workflow considerations for telehealth delivery of TF-CBT.

Pre-Requisite: Completed TF-CBT Basic Training

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to describe modifications needed to implement TF-CBT via telehealth
  2. Participants will be able to understand the ethics surrounding distance counseling
  3. Participants will be able to describe techniques and resources to provide engaging trauma treatment for children via telehealth
  4. Participants will be able to understand how to tailor electronic resources to fit the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse children


Day 1: Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Via Telehealth: Advanced Topics and Techniques Link
03/01/2023 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  180 minutes
03/01/2023 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  180 minutes
Day 2: Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Via Telehealth: Advanced Topics and Techniques Link
03/02/2023 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  180 minutes
03/02/2023 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  180 minutes
Training Evaluation: Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Via Telehealth: Advanced Topics and Techniques
6 Questions
Certificate: Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Via Telehealth: Advanced Topics and Techniques
5.00 Credit Hour credits  |  Certificate available
5.00 Credit Hour credits  |  Certificate available

Paula Condol, M.S., LPCC

Executive Director

Dakota Children's Advocacy Center

Paula Condol obtained her master’s degree in Community Counseling in 1996 from St. Cloud State University and is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in the state of ND and a Certified Supervisor.  She has been the Director of the Dakota Children's Advocacy Center for 22 years, and worked as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Mary Masters of Counseling program for 9 years. Paula provides evidence-based treatment to children and their families affected by trauma and abuse and trains others in the field on utilizing these evidence-based practices. 

Nicola Herting, PhD

Mental Health Strategic Director

Red River Children's Advocacy Center

Nicole Herting is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in working with children and families impacted by trauma. Dr. Herting is the Clinical Director of the Sanford Traumatic Stress Treatment Center, Mental Health Strategic Director at Red River Children’s Advocacy Center, an Adjunct Research Scientist for Sanford and the Treatment Collaborative for Traumatized Youth, and an Adjunct Professor in the University of North Dakota Clinical Psychology Program. Dr. Herting has extensive training in trauma and child abuse and is experienced in providing evidence-based, trauma-specific screening, assessment, treatment, trainings, and consultation. Dr. Herting is involved in several statewide evidence-based trauma treatment and screening implementation initiatives in North Dakota. 

Regan W. Stewart, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Medical University of South Carolina

Regan Stewart is an Associate Professor and clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Stewart’s research focuses on addressing mental health disparities for underserved trauma-exposed youth, particularly through the use of telehealth technology within the United States and globally. She is the director of the Telehealth Outreach Program for Traumatic Stress at MUSC, a program focused on utilizing telehealth to increase access to trauma-focused treatment for underserved children. Dr. Stewart is a nationally recognized expert in telehealth delivery of trauma-focused interventions for children and adolescents. She led the development of a training curriculum for telehealth delivery of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and has trained organizations across the U.S. in this work.