SHINE Campaign Webinars

Recorded On: 02/27/2019


How We SHINE, Part 1
Recorded 02/14/2019
Recorded 02/14/2019 The SHINE Campaign is almost here! Please join us for the first part of a two-part series where NCA communications and membership experts will re-introduce you to the national, survivor-focused, CAC-led campaign we previewed at the 2018 Leadership Conference. We’ll cover campaign messaging, the timeline, and next steps for CACs to participate in the campaign in preparation for our April public launch.
Part 1 Webinar Feedback Survey
9 Questions
How We SHINE, Part 2
Recorded 02/27/2019
Recorded 02/27/2019 On the doorstep of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, it’s time for CACs to transform the conversation around child abuse with a tragically numerous population—those who have lived through it. CAC leaders will walk you through the tools we’ve developed for agencies around the country to adopt an exciting, hopeful new campaign. We’ll discuss the plan and the toolkit to run the SHINE Campaign at whatever level you’re ready for, from turnkey to custom.
Part 2 Webinar Feedback Survey
9 Questions
Webinar Certificate
No credits available  |  Certificate available
No credits available  |  Certificate available

For a survivor of child sexual abuse, the world can look really dark. Families and friends of survivors can feel isolated and helpless. Through this darkness, CACs and their teams are beacons of light. This campaign will inspire survivors and allies to join the universe of support, share their stories, and shine. It will champion CACs and let children know we’re here for them. 

Blake Warenik

Director of Communications

National Children's Alliance

Blake Warenik serves as Director of Communications at National Children's Alliance, leading the branding, public awareness, and media relations efforts for NCA and the Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) movement. He is the creator of the #ItsYourBusiness campaign and serves as a national spokesperson for the organization and for CACs. 

Kristie McKenney

Director of Member Services and Chapter Development, NCA

Kristie McKenney, MS. has dedicated the last 20 years to children through her work developing and enhancing Children’s Advocacy Centers.She has extensive experience that includes forensic interviewing of child victims of crime, opening and managing a multi-site children’s advocacy center, leading a state chapter of children’s advocacy centers and most recently as the Director of Member Services and Chapter Development for the National Children’s Alliance.She has trained professionals in the areas of child sexual abuse, forensic interviewing, child advocacy center development, board development, resource development and leadership strategies.Ms. McKenney has worked with countless diverse groups, individuals and organizations on strategic planning, leadership development and other organizational initiatives.She earned her M.S. in Organizational Management and Leadership with a concentration in Criminal Justice Studies from Springfield College in 2005 and her B.A. in Psychology from Keene State College in 1994.

Olga Starr

Education and Outreach Coordinator Coordinator, New Jersey Children's Alliance

Prior to joining the CAC world, Olga Starr consulted to nonprofits and businesses on organizational learning and communications. Her education includes an MBA in Organizational Development, and a Master Instructional Designer certification from the Association for Talent Development. In addition to her responsibilities for community education and outreach, MDT training initiatives, and communications for the New Jersey Children's Alliance, Olga has been serving as Chair of the Collaborative Work Group for the SHINE campaign, participating in the creation of SHINE University, and leading one of SHINE University learning cohorts. 

Tracey Tabet


Utah Children's Justice Center Program

Tracey Tabet has been with the Attorney General’s Office since 1994 and is the administrator for the Utah Children’s Justice Center (CJC) Program, where she oversees the state’s 23 Children’s Justice Centers. Under her leadership, the program has expanded services to 28 of Utah’s 29 counties, has implemented measures to promote equity and accountability, and has become a strong voice for victims on Utah’s Capitol Hill. As the coordinator for the Utah Chapter of the National Children’s Alliance (NCA), she co- chaired NCA’s Chapter Collaborative Work Group and the SHINE Campaign Collaborative Work Group. She received the Outstanding State Chapter Leader Award from NCA in 2012 and the Anne Freimuth Child Advocate of the Year Award from Prevent Child Abuse Utah in 2016. She currently serves on several boards, including the Utah Victims Council, the Utah Coalition for Protecting Childhood, and is a member of the Utah Women’s Forum. Tracey grew up in rural southeastern Utah and is a graduate of the University of Utah and Westminster College. 

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