Youth With Problematic Sexual Behaviors
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As Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) continue to evolve in their engagement with children, families, and communities, the question of how to address youth with problematic sexual behaviors has come to the forefront. National Children’s Alliance (NCA) believes that CACs are well-suited to effectively serve communities in the response to problematic sexual behaviors. NCA created this online training resource to provide CACs with the tools to get started in providing a robust community-based response that will not only help keep children and families safe and healthy, but will also create opportunities to improve multidisciplinary team function and for CACs to position themselves as leaders nationwide on an often difficult and complex topic. This course will provide an overview of youth with problematic sexual behaviors, discuss the CAC coordinated response, present the characteristics of evidence-based mental health treatment for problematic sexual behaviors, and provide guidance on engaging community stakeholders. It aims to dispel myths and misconceptions about youth with problematic sexual behaviors and to help CACs understand that they can and should serve this population.