Child Sexual Abuse Material (Child Pornography) Resource Toolkit 

This toolkit represents the collected resources of the Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) movement to respond to the complex needs of victims of child abuse images, also known as abusive images, child sexual abuse material, or child pornography. Thanks to NCA's CSEC Collaborative Work Group (CSEC CWG) for their efforts to collect resources across the field and create new content especially for CACs in addressing the needs of these victims. 

Improving the Response to Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Material

Additional Resources 

Fact Sheets

  • When Images Hurt - How to understand, respond, and find hope for your child (NCA)
    Learning that your child was harmed by abusive images can be overwhelming. Victims of those who produce images of child exploitation can experience a range of thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and the fallout may last a long time. Information and assistance is vital for caregivers like you who contribute to the child’s healing. This guide offers information and resources to help you restore your child’s sense of safety and find hope for the future.
  • Cuando las imágenes duelen

    Saber que su hijo fue lastimado mediante imágenes abusivas puede ser abrumador. Las víctimas de aquellos que producen imágenes de explotación infantil pueden experimentar una variedad de pensamientos, sentimientos y comportamientos, y las consecuencias pueden durar mucho tiempo. La información y asistencia es vital para cuidadores como usted que contribuyen a la curación del niño. Esta guía ofrece información y recursos para ayudarlo a restaurar la sensación de seguridad de su hijo y encontrar esperanza para el futuro.

    (This is the Spanish version of the caregiver-directed resource "When Images Hurt" about supporting your child through the investigation of child sexual abuse images.)

  • Handout: Online Child Exploitation (Day One RI)
    In our ever-changing technological landscape, internet safety is a vital priority in ensuring the healthy lives of children. It is important to know what children are doing online, what technologies exist that can potentially leave them vulnerable to exploitation and to have honest conversations about online safety. There are a few distinct elements in online applications that are concerning to maintaining online child safety.

Protocol Development

  • Child Sexual Abuse Materials Protocol Development Tool
    This protocol development tool may be used as a guide when developing a protocol for your local jurisdiction and should not be viewed as all encompassing. This tool was developed as a resource by National Children's Alliance (NCA) Collaborative Work Group (CWG) with focus on Child Sexual Abuse Materials and Exploitation.
  • Rhode Island Uniform Response Protocol for Child Pornography
    This protocol was developed to address and support not only the victims displayed in child pornography, but also potential victims in the lives of possession offenders and victims of sextortion. This protocol aims to promote the safety of families, increase access to services, provide comfort for delayed disclosure, provide support for non-offending caregivers, and increase communication between disciplines.


  • Survivors' Survey Full Report 2017 (Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc.)
    We are now seeing more and more victims of child sexual abuse whose abuse has been recorded reach adulthood. Information from these individuals offers a lens into the distinct challenges faced by victims of this crime. To better understand this aspect, the Canadian Centre launched an international survey in January 2016 for adult survivors whose child sexual abuse was recorded and that was, or may have been, distributed online. Since that time, we have had 150 survivors participate in the survey and contribute valuable details and information about their experience.
  • The complex experience of child pornography survivors (Child Abuse & Neglect International Journal)
    This research explores the complex experiences of survivors of child pornography production. The study was conducted among a convenience sample of child pornography adult survivors, using an online survey which included a series of open-ended questions. Nearly half of respondents reported that they felt the production of sexual images caused specific problems that were different from the problems caused by other aspects of the abuse.
  • Trends in Online Child Sexual Abuse Material (ECPAT)
    Definitions of what constitutes online-facilitated child sexual abuse and exploitation are both varied and subject to change, and as noted by a recent study, the terms used in research are often different from those used for legally defined crimes, which also differ between, and on occasions within, countries.

Survivor Care

  • NCMEC - Coping with CSAM Exposure
    Provides information on how to report and cope with nonconsensual exposure to CSAM online. Tips are provided for adults as well as children who have been exposed to CSAM online.
  • NCMEC - Support for Child Sexual Abuse Material Survivors & Their Families
    Provides information on NCMEC’s resources for CSAM survivors and their families and outlines the rights available to CSAM victims.
  • Reconnecting with Your Child (NCTSN)
    Building Relationships After Suspected Sexual Exploitation

