Advanced TF-CBT PSB Intensive Learning Community, October 2025

Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 10/14/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)


NCA Learning: NCA Training Refund Policy

Advanced TF-CBT PSB Intensive (Children 12 and Under) 

This 10-month Advanced Training Intensive includes two learning sessions with Ashley Fiore, LCSW, and Geoff Sidoli, LCSW

Learning Session 1 October 14, 16, 21 & 23, 202511:00am-5:30pm EASTERN

Learning Session 2 DATES TBD

26 CEs have been approved by NBCC and NASW. This will be an interactive and participatory virtual training experience with pre-work and action period assignments that build participants' skills at implementing a PSB application of TF-CBT with children aged 12 and under and their families with fidelity and clinical competence.

Training content includes: Client identification and standardized assessment of children and their caregivers; interpretation, case conceptualization, record review practice; structured interviewing of children and caregivers, developing individualized treatment goals and safety plans, techniques for engaging caregivers who are in dissent/denial, PRACTICE component application of TF-CBT, and clinical skill development for working with this population. Training will include case application of TF-CBT using an evolving case study with video demonstration of skills. Clinicians will receive access to download a training packet, private online access to over 800 downloadable clinical resources for TF-CBT, access to a private TF-CBT PSB Clinical Discussion Forum with other participants and includes 11 group consultation calls co-facilitated by the trainers. Clinicians must attend at least 8 of 11 calls to successfully complete training.


Member: $1,250/person

Non-Member: $1,350

NOTE: By registering for this training, I agree to the following:

  • I have completed Basic TF-CBT Training AND at least 9 of 12 group consultation calls with a developer-endorsed, national trainer    

*Please provide proof of training and group call completion and/or national certification by emailing this to Jami Bolton at before the start of training, otherwise you will not be allowed to participate

I commit to sharing information about my readiness, familiarity, willingness, and ability to serve this population pre-training and post-training. I commit to completing all pre-training and action period assignments

  • I commit to sharing information about my readiness, familiarity, willingness, and ability to serve this population pre-training and post-training
  • I will participate in the Welcome Call 
  • I will participate in at least 8 of 11 scheduled Group Consultation Calls
  • I commit to submitting de-identified client data related to the number of children who receive treatment, reduction in clinical symptoms, and successful discharges 

Attendees should have an active caseload appropriate for TF-CBT PSB and be ready to apply the model with at least 2 children.  Clinical supervisors are welcome to attend; however, if supervisors are not delivering the treatment during the consultation call phase, they will not be able to attend consultation calls. In order to be considered fully trained, participants must complete a minimum of 8 consultation calls and deliver the treatment to two children and their caregivers.   

At the conclusion of this TF-CBT training, participants will be able to: 

  • Evaluate which cases would benefit from a PSB application of TF-CBT for children aged 12 and under
  • Use record review, assessment, and structured interviewing techniques to develop individualized treatment goals and collaborative safety plans.
  • Successfully engage appropriate cases in treatment, including caregivers in dissent/denial
  • Create session agendas to structure TF-CBT sessions to meet fidelity standards
  • Support children and teens in developing skills that enhance coping and symptom reduction in the aftermath of trauma 
  • Support caregivers in developing coping skills and parenting strategies for responding to children’s therapeutic needs in the aftermath of trauma 
  • Apply and implement the PRACTICE components of TF-CBT with families impacted by trauma and children exhibiting problematic sexual behaviors

For any questions, please reach out to Jami Bolton,


LS1: Day 1
10/14/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  360 minutes
10/14/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  360 minutes
LS1: Day 2
10/16/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  360 minutes
10/16/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  360 minutes
LS1: Day 3
10/21/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  360 minutes
10/21/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  360 minutes
LS1: Day 4
10/23/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  360 minutes
10/23/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  360 minutes
Advanced TF-CBT PSB Intensive Learning Community Evaluation
6 Questions
Certificate of Attendance
No credits available  |  Certificate available
No credits available  |  Certificate available

Ashley Fiore, MSW, LCSW

National Trainer

National Children's Alliance Institute for Better Mental Health Outcomes

Ashley Fiore has worked with CACs throughout her professional career as a clinician, clinical director, program manager, trainer, and consultant. She has assessed and treated over 2,000 children and families using Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Alternatives for Families Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT). Prior to joining NCA, Ashley served as clinical faculty for the North Carolina Child Treatment Program, where she trained TF-CBT and provided individual and group consultation to clinicians using a learning collaborative model. She has expertise in the implementation and dissemination of evidence-based, trauma focused, child/family interventions. Ashley is a certified trainer in TF-CBT and AF-CBT and has provided training/consultation on trauma-informed comprehensive clinical assessments, trauma-related problematic sexual behaviors in children, and implementation support of evidence-based treatment models. She received her MSW from UNC-Chapel Hill, and enjoys gardening, making pottery, and hiking in her free time. 

Geoff Sidoli, MSW, LCSW

Coordinator for Mental Health Programs

National Children’s Alliance

Geoff Sidoli, LCSW, is the current Coordinator for NCA’s Institute for Better Mental Health Outcomes.  He assists CACs around the country developing, implementing, and sustaining mental health services.  Prior to coming to NCA, Geoff was the executive director of a CAC in Asheville, NC where he supervised a clinical department that assessed and treated trauma and problematic sexual behavior (PSB) utilizing multiple evidence-based/supported models, including a PSB model that he developed.  Geoff has a broad history of work with trauma and sexual violence for over 30 years including the assessment and treatment of individuals that have caused sexual harm.  He speaks regionally and nationally on the topic of sexual abuse, assessment and treatment.  He served on several state/national boards and work groups that focus on intervention and prevention of sexual harm and trauma. Geoff co-chairs NCA’s youth with problematic sexual behaviors work group and sits on ATSA’s child and adolescent committee as well as the ethic’s committee.