Answered Questions for 2025 RFPs

  • Answered Questions - 07/26/2024

    This document is posted to capture the questions received, and answers provided during the question-and-answer period of the 2025 NCA Request for Proposals as of 07/26/2024.

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  • Answered Questions - 07/22/2024

    This document is posted to capture the questions received, and answers provided during the question-and-answer period of the 2025 NCA Request for Proposals as of 07/22/2024.

    You must log in to access content.
  • Answered Questions - 07/19/2024

    This document is posted to capture the questions received, and answers provided during the question-and-answer period of the 2025 NCA Request for Proposals as of 07/19/2024.

    You must log in to access content.

Ask 2025 RFP Questions using the form below

Any questions related to the RFP MUST be submitted through the Question Submission Form shown below. 

To ensure everyone has equal access to the same information, please do not reach out to any NCA Grants Management staff directly. We will be unable to answer questions from individual applicants via email or phone.

Questions submitted on the Q/A form will be answered and posted above on a rolling basis, but no less than every Wednesday. Questions will be accepted until Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 5:00 pm EDT, with the final list of questions being posted here by Monday, July 29, 2024.