How do I fill out individual session evaluations?
You will visit the conference website here: Website and ensure you are logged in to your engage account.
To access your session evaluations, please navigate to the session you attended on the agenda tab. Click "watch session", and you will now be able to access your session evaluation for each session you attended, that you scanned in for. You must hit “watch session” to bring you to the correct page.
What are the COVID-19 Policies for the in-person conference?
All in-person attendees are required to fill out this survey or will not be able to check-in for the conference: CLICK HERE: REQUIRED COVID-19 IN-PERSON ATTENDEE SURVEY
All participants at the in-person 2022 Leadership Conference are required to be fully vaccinated per the CDC Guidelines*. This requirement applies to everyone attending, whether a presenter, attendee, exhibitor, staff, guest, or vendor. Proof of vaccination will be required on site. Proof of full COVID-19 vaccination means documentation that the individual is at least two weeks past the full primary two-injection course of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines or a single shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Consistent with CDC guidance, National Children's Alliance also strongly encourages all attendees to receive a booster dose once eligible.
Masks are required in the meeting space at all times except while eating, drinking, or actively presenting.
National Children's Alliance may change, update, or add to these requirements at any time to best protect the health and safety of attendees and others, and attendees must comply with relevant policies and requirements as communicated by National Children's Alliance.
*Any individual seeking a documented medical exemption from this requirement should contact our conference organizer.
What restaurants are nearby the hotel?
Check out this handout for Nearby Eats
How do I register?
You can register by visiting the conference registration page. The early registration fee is $650 for Members and $700 for Non-members that register before April 30, 2022. After April 30, 2022 the general registration fee is $700 for Members and $750 for Non-members. While registering, you will be required to choose in-person attendance or virtual attendance. Both in-person and virtual registration includes entry to all of the virtual conference sessions, awards ceremony, exhibit hall, annual meeting and conference participant materials. Registration is the same cost for both conference experiences. You may either pay online with credit card during the registration process or mail a check.
What is my username/Password?
Please use your NCA Engage username and password to login and access the virtual conference website.
CLICK HERE to reset your Engage password
How do I sign up for an NCA Engage account?
Please visit NCA Engage Getting Started page for step-by-step instructions to request an NCA Engage account. The account request form will include a field that asks for an Organizational ID number. The Organizational ID number will inform us that the person signing into NCA Engage is employed at or partnered with a member organization. Please email membership@nca-online.org if you need your Organizational ID.
If you are not employed at or partnered with a member organization, please enter LC2022 as your Organizational ID for non-member access to NCA Engage. Non-member access will provide access to the virtual Leadership Conference.
CLICK HERE to request an Engage account
How do I pay by check?
Please select "check" under payment method during check out. After checking out, please save your invoice or email confirmation. Please mail your check and invoice, payable to National Children's Alliance, to:
National Children's Alliance P.O. Box 71477 Washington, DC 20024
Write Leadership Conference in the memo of the check or with a note addressing what event the payment is for.
** Your event registration is incomplete, and you will not have access to the event, until your check is received and is manually approved by our staff.
Can I pay for multiple registrations at once?
Yes, but each individual attending Leadership Conference will need to register independently using their own NCA Engage account. You will need to request an invoice from the conference coordinator (leadershipconference@nca-online.org) to pay by check or credit card for a group.
What if I register for the in-person conference, but change my mind later?
You are able to switch your registration from in-person to virtual or virtual to in-person at no cost. Please email the conference coordinator, Rachael, at leadershipconference@nca-online.org or rnovick@nca-online.org and ask to switch your registration at any time. Everyone who registers for Leadership Conference (in-person or virtual) will have access to all of the virtual content until September 30, 2022.
What are the policies regarding the federal travel ban?
As of April 4, 2022, the COVID- related federal travel ban no longer prevents the use of your federal awards to pay for travel and registration to attend the 2022 Leadership Conference in DC!
What should I do about registration if my CAC applied for NCA Grant Funding in 2022?
Conference Registration
For any CAC organizations who have applied for NCA grant funding in 2022, it is recommended that you register for the Leadership Conference after receiving your grant award letter so that you are able to charge the costs to your grant. Please be mindful that registrations made prior to your award letter date may not be charged to your NCA grant.
Hotel and Travel
For any CAC organizations who have applied for NCA grant funding in 2022, upon receiving your grant award letter, it is recommended that you reach out to your assigned Program Associate to discuss plans for travel.
What ongoing access will conference attendees have to the 2022 virtual conference?
Attendees will have access to the conference on-demand recordings and materials for three months. Access to the 2022 Leadership Conference will end on September 30, 2022 for all conference attendees.
What happens if I miss a live session or cannot attend?
If you register but happen to miss any of the live webcasts, no problem! Each session will be recorded and available on demand after the event until September 30, 2022.
Can I share access to my NCA Engage account with others on my staff to access sessions?
Sharing your account credentials, such as your password, with others, is not permitted. It also carries security risks for you and your staff. While logged in using another person's credentials, users may post, reply, and share articles under the account owner's name. Even if inadvertent, posts and comments from the unauthorized user can potentially lead others to believe the account owner has made the comments under their name, and anyone logged into someone else's account can access sensitive communications from private communities and personal communications between users they were not meant to see. From a practical perspective, users logged in as another person may not obtain CEUs or other credits, and the system may automatically log out multiple users logged in under the same account. The system bandwidth and the number of seats available in each live session are also based upon the number of registrations we receive, potentially causing system slowdowns or paid users being unable to enter rooms, just like an overcrowded concert.
Please purchase registration for all staff and partners who wish to attend the conference.
When will the workshop recording be available to conference attendees?
All workshops are prerecorded and scheduled to be released Monday, June 6th at 8am EDT.
How do I access the sessions?
You can access any of the sessions by clicking on the "Agenda" or "Live Sessions" tab on the main navigation menu. From there, select the conference day you would like to view. Click on any session title and access the "View Session" button.
Can I receive CEUs for the conference?
Attendees must complete at least 30 minutes of each workshop and complete the short workshop evaluation at the conclusion of each session they attend to receive credit. Attendees can access their conference certificate by clicking the certificate button on the homepage. If allowed in your State and/or professional discipline, you may use the certificate and detailed certificate report to obtain CEUs. NCA keeps records on file for CEU audit verifications.
Conference attendees must complete the workshop and workshop evaluation by September 30, 2022. Conference attendees will not have access to workshops or workshop evaluations after September 30, 2022, and the conference certificate will only include credit for completed workshop evaluations.
Will I receive credit for watching workshop recordings?
Yes, conference attendees can access the conference site until September 30, 2022, and can continue to watch workshops and receive credit.
I watched the workshop and the evaluation is not available. What should I do?
It may take the system some time to recognize you have completed the required component. Please give they system time to update and if the issue persist please send an email to leadershipconference@nca-online.org with the session number (example 3D).
Do NCA grant-funded attendees need to attend a minimum number of sessions in order to submit the registration cost as part of a grant report?
NCA grant representatives and any NCA grant-funded attendees must attend the equivalent of one session per each concurrent session with a minimum of at least six (6) workshops. Please contact your assigned Program Associate if you have further questions or concerns.
Do grantees need to complete their workshops and workshop evaluations by a specific date?
Grantees will need their attendee certificates to upload with their report following the end of the conference, grantees may not submit for reimbursement of this expense until the conference has ended and therefore certificate received. Knowing this, grantees should plan accordingly by having their grant-funded attendees complete their sessions in enough time to collect documentation for the appropriate reporting deadlines. In order for the expense to be approved, all NCA grant-funded attendees must attend a minimum six (6) sessions and upload their certificate of attendance with their grant report. Please contact your assigned Program Associate if you have further questions or concerns.
I am having trouble with viewing the conference website and accessing workshops.
You must be registered as a conference attendee and paid in full to access the workshops. If you are registered and paid in full please make sure to check the items listed below.
- NCA Engage is most compatible with Google Chrome. Please make sure you are using Google Chrome as your internet web browser.
- If you recently paid in full please contact leadershipconference@nca-online.org to request access to the conference workshops.
I am having trouble with streaming audio, I can’t hear the speaker through my computer speakers, the streaming stopped… what do I do?
If you are not able to hear any audio through your computer speakers first check to make sure your speakers are not muted or turned off.
The next step is to refresh your screen by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard or clicking the “refresh” button in your web browser. Please use a Google Chrome web browser for the best user experience.
The slides are not loading; I can’t see the slides, other technical issues.
Please ensure your hardware, software and bandwidth meets the requirements.
Please take the following actions well in advance
- Step 1: Perform a browser test Click Here . If you see the video and hear music that means you passed and can close that window.
- Step 2: Please review the following Technical Requirements and be sure your system and networks are up to date.
Minimum System Requirements:
2.0Ghz Processor or faster 2 GB RAM (Greater than 2 GB recommended)
Minimum Browser Requirements:
Browser must support HTML-5. To detect your browser version, run https://whichbrowser.net/
Windows 7 or later Mac OS X 10.9 or later Chrome 60 or greater Firefox 52 or greater Edge 14 or greater Safari 10 or greater iOS 10 or greater Internet Explorer 11
IP Addresses and Ports to Allow for HTML5: port 80, 443 (web and audio) port 80, 443 (web and audio) ports 80, 443 (web and audio) ports 80, 443 (web and audio) ports 80, 443 (web and audio)
Other Recommendations: It is recommended that you use a PC or MAC with an updated internet browser. Make sure you have pop-ups blockers disabled in your Internet browser settings. Make sure that your internet browser is Active X enabled. Wifi is
not recommended, as signal strength can vary causing bandwidth to increase or decrease. We recommend a wired connection to allow for a consistent signal and bandwidth. A wired connection provides a
better experience. Audio (sound) is projected through your computer speakers. Be sure your computer is equipped with speakers or the room where the conference is being broadcast is equipped with speakers so you can hear the presenters.
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Post your virtual conference questions in the 2022 Leadership Conference Community or send an email for support.
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