The Outcome Measurement System (OMS): A Brief Overview

Learn about the Outcome Measurement System (OMS) in this brief "crash course" on the purpose of the program, survey types and collection methods available, and ways to use results to improve practices in the CAC field.

The OMS program gives families and multidisciplinary team (MDT) members a voice in the CAC process by gathering feedback on satisfaction with procedures, as well as short-term and longer-term outcomes of the CAC/MDT model. Effective collection practices allow CACs to provide this opportunity broadly and efficiently, increasing the scope of the feedback to then use for program improvement purposes. Results are aggregated into local, state, regional, and national reports.  When combined with other data sources, OMS gives a more complete picture of the work of CACs.

Need full training in OMS?  Learn much more about OMS through our two-part training series offered each summer and winter, as well as trainings on specific focus areas like the new OMS Youth Feedback Survey and OMS Essentials for State Chapters.  Find these resources on the OMS landing page.

Questions about OMS?  Contact NCA's Program Evaluation Coordinator, Kaitlin Lounsbury, at

Kaitlin Lounsbury


Video - OMS Brief Overview
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Open to view video. Learn about the Outcome Measurement System (OMS) in this brief "crash course" on the purpose of the program, survey types and collection methods available, and ways to use results. The OMS program gives families and multidisciplinary team (MDT) members a voice in the CAC process by gathering feedback on satisfaction with procedures, as well as short-term and longer-term outcomes of the CAC/MDT model. Effective collection practices allow CACs to provide this opportunity broadly and efficiently, increasing the scope of the feedback to then use for program improvement purposes. Results are aggregated into local, state, regional, and national reports. When combined with other data sources, OMS gives a more complete picture of the work of CACs.