Military Services

2024 Request for Proposals

Awards for Coordination of Children’s Advocacy Center Services for Military Families 

CACs can play an important role in identifying military-connected families and developing partnerships with military programs to ensure military families receive coordinated care that meets their unique needs. Military partnerships can include Army, Marine Corp, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, and Reserves. This grant category helps CACs establish partnerships with military installations and provide services to military families. 

Start a new MILITARY Grant Application

Continue in-progress MILITARY Grant Application

NOTE:  To avoid creating more than one new application, once you have established an account and can access the online application form, save the following web address to your Favorites in your internet browser so that you can easily reopen the application form to continue working on it by clicking here -

**Returning Applicants:  Applicants will need to ensure that new objectives/activities are the focus of the application.  The scope of your project should naturally evolve compared to past projects.



Military Available Award Type

Coordination of CAC Services for Military Installations

Maximum Award Amount: $50,000

Goal:  Establish or expand the provision of CAC services on military installations to:

Eligible uses of the funding include any of the following: 

  • Identify, develop, and operationalize best practices to help military installations address cases of child abuse.
  • Leverage partnerships and establishing protocols for serving military installations.
  • Establish or expanding the coordinated investigative and comprehensive response to child abuse to military families.

 Applicants must focus on two or more of the following: 

  • Establish an intake mechanism to identify military families and to better tailor support and services.
  • Provide core CAC services to military-affiliated child victims and non-offending caregivers as well as education, and support services.
  • Support military-focused case manager/Victim Advocate or Liaison position at the CAC.
  • Provide/coordinate trainings to military partners and expand outreach to military communities using trauma informed care and services, FI best practices, etc.
  • Create consistent and seamless protocols for investigation of child maltreatment for military families. 


How can applicants prepare?

Start with the Military logic model and plan out your project!

Coordination of CAC Services for Military Installations applicants must focus on one or more of the following goals: 

  • Applicants must demonstrate the service area need and describe the current CAC response in their community to develop/expand this response to:
    • Help military installations address cases of child abuse
    • Establish partnerships and protocols for serving military installations
    • Coordinate response to child abuse to military families  
Applicants must also focus on two or more of the following objectives/activities:
  • Establish an intake mechanism to identify military families
  • Provide core CAC services to military-affiliated child victims as well as education and support services
  • Support military-focused case manager or liaison position at the CAC
  • Provide/coordinate trainings to military partners and expand outreach to military communities
  • Create protocols for investigation of child maltreatment for military families

Please note: applicants may include additional objectives/activities related to the project goals, as long as two or more listed above are included as well

Applicants must also:
  • Include Letters of Support or memoranda of understanding for all key partners 


Helpful Resources

Military Application Checklist

Military Application Checklist

The Military Application Checklist lists critical application elements required to pass Basic Minimum Requirements review. An application that NCA determines does not include the application elements that must be included in the application submission in order for the application to meet the basic minimum requirements will neither proceed to peer review nor receive further consideration. 

On-Demand Webinars

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RFP Tips

CAC Services for Military Installations RFP Tips


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Resources for CAC - Military Partnerships

Resources to support your work with military partners to strengthen services for military families.


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Military Families Toolkit

A collection of trainings and resources for victim advocates working with military families. 


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